Saturday 4 April 2009

Okay Sad News But Good News

Heyy Guys  x

I've got some good but sad news, I officially handed over randomess to Charlie last night. Yes it was a sad moment but now I can subscribe to her and let this blog known, I secretly kept this blog whilst I couldn't log onto ours and I now know why! Because I was always logged onto a different e-mail account!! Like Dur Elly! Lmaoo x

I went for a walk last night, me & Charlie & Chris & Laura & Luke (who are going out). Yehh we walked all over the town and then decided to walk down to this big hotel thats like 5 mile away or something. We had fun walking down, me and charlie were singing alot so that kept us entertained and then when we walked back we kind of go attacked by some rednecks and that wasn't very good! I nicknamed them, Greggs && Brows because one was git fat, he had sooo many chins it was unbelievable and then the other guy had git bushy brows and his right eyebrow was pierced so i called him brows. It was really scary in a way because he hit Luke because Laura stuck two fingers up at the pick up truck because they nearly ran her over. 

Yehh I have to go now because my brother wants this before he goes to work....I don't actually think he's at work but I can go and play on resident evil 5 while he's on here for a bit so 
Write Soon xx
Byee x
Love Elly xx

One last thing I beg you please, just before you go I've watched you fly on paper wings half way round the world until they burned up in the atmosphere and sent you spiraling down Landing somewhere far from here with no one else around To catch you falling down And I'm looking at you now - Rise Against - Paper Wings