Sunday 12 April 2009


Heyy Guys xx

I don't get it! I can write 3 times on Friday but then on Saturday - the day I mean to write about - I forget! I don't get it! Lol x 
Anyways, Saturday. We went to Charlies, Me Natalie, Laura Luke && Charlie Obv to watch Twiight on her DVD, because she just got it in London and hadn't watched it. So we watched it, and then we watched all the deleted and extended scenes and no body found Jaspers face remotely comical but they did with Victoria and James when they re enact some Vampire Porn and Laurent's face is just mega funny, like hes just sat watching them so....that was strange but hey. Then we watched Doctor Who! I cannot believe that David Tenant is leaving, he is a legend best Doctor ever! Lol and then on Saturday night my Aunty Linda, Grandma and Cousin Joanne came down and we did a quiz and stuff, and because I won't see them on my birthday we're going to have a party next Saturday so that should be fun!

Today- I was supposed to go with the girl called Emma to see a girl we met when we were on work experience but I really couldn't be arsed with it so I said I was babysitting all day until 9 tonight. 

I've only just got up as well. *Yawm* I'm shattered lmaoo.

Well I'm going to go and watch 17 Again!
Write Soon
Byee xx
Love Elly <3*

How did we get here! When I used to know you so well! - Paramore - Decode