Friday 24 April 2009


Heyy Guys x

Meet the Cullens. Yes that's right I know the Cullens. 
Elly - Jasper
Charlie - Alice
Sarah - Bella
Luke - Edward
Laura - Rosalie
Natalie - Esme
Emma - Carlisle
Beth - Jacob

I made my own Cullen crust, and we (meaning, Alice, Bella, Esme, Carlisle && Myself) have come up with a pre-baseball cheer thing. Because we're awesome right?!?!!?! Lol

I'm watching Jonathan Creek ATM. It's all about this woman who is kinda obsessed with getting plastic surgery and she had this affair with her cosmetic surgeon but she didn't like him because he was using her as some kind of sculpture to be moulded like clay and so she finished it and hooked up with a Swedish Swimming Instructor who her daughter was banging behind her back but yet she doesn't mind that her 16 year old daughter is well- rhomping off with- her boyfriend! I just don't get these people!! Lol but anyhow, Madeline- who is Jonathan's little assistant kind of  gets this wardrobe and her blind date shows up. He's a minging 50 year old but anyhow, he helps Maddie get this wardrobe upstairs to her room where after he's gone, she opens the wardrobe up to find the plastic surgery obsessed woman dead! Then it turns out she wasn't murdered she just died from a bash on the head by a git massive tube, she'd hemorrhaged a blood vessel in her brain and died there in the wardrobe!! It was a good episode though mind you, if you like crime drama you should consider watching Jonathan Creek it's a good program. 

Well I'm Off
Write Soon
Byee xx
Love Elly xx <3*

Here by my side, in my summer, our last summer, The world passes by in my summer, our last summer, The light makes shadows fall, surrounded by each other, Alive to watch it all, the view through our last summer, The view from our last summer...- Lostprophets, Last Summer