Monday 6 April 2009


Heyy Guys x

I've just remembered something! Whilst we were out on Friday we, meaning Charlie & I, came to the conclusion that our group is cliche. Everyone has something! 
Elly - The Actress
Charlie - The Brains
Beth - The Comedian (I Think)
Natalie - The Musical One
Emma - The Fashionista
Chris - The Disturbed One, (in a good way)
Luke & Laura - The Cute Couple

Yehh It was really good! I helped as well with my acting skills about Southampton!
Ohh Yehh!! Luke! We were winding him & Laura up pretending to be saying stuff behind their backs and he grabbed hold of me and started nipping right, and it hurt but then again sensitive is my middle name but anyways, he's turned my arm yellow! yes YELLOW! but it's only bruised so it should go away. We're going to make a time capsule today as well, they're coming to call for me now right as we speak its like awesome as well because I'm looking out of the window looking for them coming and I'm not looking at the keyboard and it just proves like how awesome I actually am. Ok I'm sounding canny sad now so I'm going to shut up. 

Do you know something else as well, I love american reality shows, you know like Steve Wilko's & Jerry Springer Show & Maury ohh & the Jeramy Kyle Show even though that's British, but the American ones are really funny. Not that I have anything what so ever against American's but the shows are really funny. Theres this one that I've just watched, The DNA will prove that you have 22 kids. 22 KIDS! And They're All By Different Women! Like How! And Then This One Woman Went And Forgave Him For Cheating On Him, They're Married That One Was Funny. 
Yehh They'll Be Here Soon So I'm Going To Go =]

Byee x
Write Sooon
Love Elly xx

Nice Legs Daist Duke's Makes A Man Go [Whistles] All The People On The Streets Go [Whistles] - Starstrukk 30H!3