Heyy Guys xx
So today I had English 1st - BORING! My teacher smells like burnt cabbage and dead cats + she's not very nice. Not many of my teachers are nice. But anyways, we're doing Jane Eyre for our coursework and she's lending out the DVD. Also Wuthering Heights and if you've read Twilight, you'll know that Wuthering Heights is mentioned a lot so we felt purely awesomed when she was lending that DVD out. So Charlie got Wuthering Heights and Sarah got Jane Eyre. And tonight we united! Me, Sarah, Charlie, Natalie and Laura, all at Sarah's.
So here we all are assembled in her living room around the telly and the DVD Player refuses to play. It was soo funny. Sarah threw the remote at it, like proper threw it at the thing. It still didn't work. That added to the funniness. Eventually we ended up surrounding her computer. And so we watched the first episodes.
Sarah Natalie and Charlie all cried at the bit where Rochester proposes to Jane. It's soo sweet! And then we decided to pass about secrets, that was kinda fun as well. Sorta made me feel like I'd known all of these girls all my life, and well in fact I've only known Natalie and Laura 4 years unlike Sarah, who I've known for about 10 and Charlie Who's known me nearly 15. Isn't she one lucky person. Anyways, we watched the rest of it and OME! When Rochester starts crying, when he's blind, it's so romantic it had me crying like a waterfall, Sarah and Charlie were worse. They're the crying type of people.
In Science, 2nd, My xtreemly fit teacher, Mr. Raven. Started to be a weirdo! He was yawning all the time. And we all know that yawning is contageous and when you yawn others begin to yawn. He was taking the pee out of me all lesson because of it. It was soo annoying.
The rest of my day was actually kinda boring apart from that.
I found this awesome Twilight Icon and I'm totally in love with itGet the pic that Carlisle is my fav Cullen. I think he rules. He's just so plainly awesome. He can keep his cool and stuff - really awesome. Kellan is my fav actor though and I'm way Team Edward but Carlisle is my fav. Also I think this one is kinda funny. I laughed a lot about this one :
I laughed so much actually. My brother looked at it and didn't see that Rape Him is sort of highlighted and that's what I was laughing at. Then he asked probably one of the most stupid questions for someone living in my house "Who Is Edward Cullen?" - It's ok if you don't actually know him but both me and me mum have both read the Twiligh Saga and we are constantly talking Twilight! and he should seriously know who Edward Cullen is my now! I was dissapointed by that. Humph.
Anywayz I'm Off
Write Soon x
Lovee Elly xx <3*
Love Bug by the Jo Bro's
15 years ago
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