Heyy Guys x
I actually have nothing to talk about.
Oh yeh...I'd like to thank Beth, for becoming one of my Awesomers <3*> blog. ThankQ Check Out Her Blog
So I might talk about one thing I love most: Music!
Paramore I love them! The music is hellish. Hayley's hair rules it's sweet as! Her voice is ahh mazing and the music is awesome. The lyrics are really cool. The actually music is my type. The guitars and drums and stuff I love. I am a drummer so I like to be able to play alright songs and Paramore ones are awesome!The Killers. Omg this band! This band helped me through the time when I was getting bullied major time in year 7. I listened to their music all the time and it just made me feel loads better. I love them soo much.
Busted. Omg! This Band! I love them. Even though they've been done and dusted with for 4 years - I still love them. They helped me through loads. Sleeping with the light on helped me through the months when my Grandma died. My best friend and my closest relative. The lyrics helped me somehow. I would cry all the time to them but for a good reason. Also they helped me through my Uncles poor health and his death last year even though they had split I listen to them still because I love them and owe them so much.
Son Of Dork. After losing my favourite band of all time. James moved to Son Of Dork. These have actually only just come into my life as one of my fave bands. They rule. The songs are cheesy and funny but I like that sort of stuff.
McFly. So I never used to like these until now. The new music is canny good. They've made a defo improvement but I still liked the cheesy stuff.
Fall Out Boy. First band that I liked after Busted split. The videos for the music are awesome. Funny aswell. The music is cool.
Eminem The first solo artist that I loved. His raps were funny and I had a great time listening too him. I don't actually listen to Emienm much anymore but I still love him. I'm more into the indie/rock stage atm.
So that's all I'm gunna say now. I'll probs write again tonight if anything good happens at guides.
Oh and just a note: Just becuase I listen to indie and rock music doesn't mean I'm an Emo or a Goth I just like the music. I may even dress like one some times but I'm not one. I like the chunes - don't hold that aginst me either! I hate people that do that! Soz annal but....sterotyping people because of the chunes they listen to. I just listen to that mostly. ATM I have some rave tune on that doesn't have a name on this - but I think it's DJ Vallium, Doin' It Again. I Listen to everything.
I'm going
Write again Soon
Love Elly xx <3*>
Love Bug by the Jo Bro's
15 years ago
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