Heyy Guys x
I was with Charlie today. We fancied a visit to see Elliot but he wasn't in. So we walked all over for him. First we went to where he works to see if he was there and he wasn't so then we walked over the other side of town (that may be exaggerating) for him to call at his house where we find that he isn't in!
In the end we spent all day at my house. As I have caught up on 90210 by getting 6 episodes ahead and I will finish the 7th later tonight. We sat and watched 10 minutes of that and then I grew impatient when it didn't buffer fast enough lol. We ended up talking music and she nicked 28 songs off my computer - including all of my New Found Glory ones. I <3 New Found Glory.
So I go back to school on Monday. I'll probably write at diner to save me from the awful place! I should love school because you never get to re-live the first 16 years where school just filled them up with something you really wouldn't rather do, but what ever. I do like school because I get to see my mates and have a laugh but the teachers are really boring and I don't have drama and plus with Beth and Jamie now becoming a "pair" it will be really awkward with them being together and in the same thing! It's mega stupid! They'll always be lovey dovey-ing in lesson and I'll be left out being the urgh person, as Navid said in episode 4 or 5, I'll be the 3rd Wheel.
She's just asked me if I want to go out and I really cba but I don't know how to tell her no! Daym! It's annoying lol!
Oh yeah I was re-capping over the blog the other day and realised that I said I was going to put lyrics to a song I'd just listened to on and so I'm going to attempt to do it more often now lol.
Well Write Soon x
Love Elly xx <3*
"Kiss Me, beneath the milky twilight. Lead Me, out on the moonlit floor" Kiss Me - New Found Glory
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Pointless <3
Posted by Eleanoorr at 08:52 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Sleepover <3
Heyy Guys xx
So I haven't wrote in like 3 days! OME! Lmao. I had a "sleepover" last night! Me Charlie & Beth. It was cool. We watched IT with Tim Curry and Co. lol then did nothing actually we were on here on random websites lol. It was rather funny. We had choccies, popcorn and pringles. It wasn't much of a sleepover becuase my mates aren't the sleepover type of mates. They all want to grow up and get boozing.
Also yesterday I hung out with Beth and her boyfriend Jamie and his mates Chris and James. Chris and James are brothers and we are all mates really, well apart from James who is a tinsey bit of an outcast as he's the youngest. So we had a good laugh on yesterday.
Monday. What did I do on Monday. I sat in with Kayleigh, my brothers girlfriend and also one of my best friends. We had a laugh on talking about losers. We made a song when we were hyper one day. It's really cool but I can't remember it =[ I'll ask Kayleigh and find out and then post it asap.
I MISSED 90210 ON MONDAY NIGHT!!! OMG!! I cannot believe it. I was making sure I would see it as well and then I go and miss it, so I go to watch it online so I know what's happened and the episodes in America are like bodged. They are all mixed up and I don't know where I'm at! It's not fair but I'm gunna watch the repeat tonight so thats all good.
I don't know what else to write about now so I'm gunna go.
Byee xx
Write Soon x
Love Elly xx <3*
Posted by Eleanoorr at 03:03 0 comments
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Happy Valentines Day <3
Heyy Guys x
Happy Valentines Day
Yes I know it's late....I forgot haha
So yesterday instead of spending my day depressed and without beloved I took a mish to bish with Charlie. We walked to Bishop....which is like 8 miles there and back we think. We managed to name car badges and yellow cars and scream at Volvo's. It was really funny.
So when we managed to make it back with feet that felt like they were ten ton, we sat in my house and watched Music & Lyrics. With Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore yehh? I love that film. Drew plays this plant lady called Sophie and Hugh plays Alex Fletcher this ex-80 pop hit legend from the band Pop! and he's asked to write a song by the biggest artist at the time- Cora. To put it simply Alex hasn't written a song in 10 years needs a good lyricist and recons he can't do it. So his boss Chris gets him a lyricist who's mega depressing. His lines of the song which is to be called "A Way Back Into Love" (which is the title of a book by some Guru that Cora just read) are mad. So Sophie makes them better by a total accident,
"Give it up I'm a bad hot witch, and with some magic it just might switch, something something something and we'll charm our way back into love" and it's really good and so eventually Alex asks Sophie to write the song with him and she agrees and then doesn't and then ends up recording this amazing song which I can send you if you want it just e-mail me. It's a really good film. If you want a good film to sit and watch Music & Lyrics is a vair vair good one so check it out.
Later on that night one of my brothers old friends came down with his girlfriend. By this point Charlie had gone and I was sat watching Twilight. So I paused it and had a bit crack on with Monkey (it's not his actual name- it's David but he gets called Monkey for some reason) and his girlfriend, Shauna. So I eventually finds out shes a Fanpire. So we sat and watched Twilight and it was really cool. I had a really fun night. and TBH It was better than being depressed 24-7 about having no-one to spend Valentines day with.
And so now today Charlie is taking Me & Laura to the Metro to chillax a bit. It's gunna be really fun only problem is I don't have any money =[ but I don't mind. Lool.
So I'm Off Then
Write Soon xx
Love Elly xx <3*
Posted by Eleanoorr at 03:37 0 comments
Friday, 13 February 2009
Power Rangers Unite <3*
Heyy Guys xx
Only a short blog
Update on the Power Rangers Status
Elly : The Blue One
Laura : The Red One
Charlie : The Pink OneWe don't have a yellow one or a black one =[
Write Soon x
Love Elly <3* xx
Posted by Eleanoorr at 14:20 0 comments
Mosh Pit*
Hey Guys x
So I was at guides tonight and I didn't actually do anything. So Charlie's not vair happy with Beth and Sarah for long reasons that I cba to talk about and so we stood and talked to Kay all night. Then the Guides started this game. There was 3 teams and they had to crawl through each others legs to grab this scarf and give it to Helen. And me and Charlie were making bets. It was hillerious! One lass called Gemma got dragged along the floor, another one called Georgina was bitten by another lass called Georgina and Eve - well she owned she mega rugby tackled this lass called Ashley (who I hate) and won the round. I've never cheered and laughed so much in my entire life. My throat is like burning now.
I also have a tribute! To my "Twinnie Boo" Laura. She looks like me (supposedly) and we are both totally mad. Yehh, Laura rules. She awesome! We have class DP wars on msn! I'm winning so far with the Carlisle Respect, a Cedward and now a Oh Hale No! one. Laura's had Accio Edward Cullen and then Edward Cullen vs Jacob Black. It's wicked. But yeh Laura's helish. Shes awesome. Love Her Tew Bitz Aii Actually Dunno Wahh Ad Dee Wivout Her Shes Hellish. Love You Laura <3
I've joined a new religion. I'm now belonging to two different ones. Cullensisim and Conversism. Laura made conversism and so I'm joining. All pray to the almighty Converse. Love You Laura for being so creative. Haha
I can't think of anything to write about now =[
So I'll Write Soon x
Love Elly xx <3*
Posted by Eleanoorr at 13:16 0 comments
Nothing =[
Heyy Guys x
I actually have nothing to talk about.
Oh yeh...I'd like to thank Beth, for becoming one of my Awesomers <3*> blog. ThankQ Check Out Her Blog
So I might talk about one thing I love most: Music!
Paramore I love them! The music is hellish. Hayley's hair rules it's sweet as! Her voice is ahh mazing and the music is awesome. The lyrics are really cool. The actually music is my type. The guitars and drums and stuff I love. I am a drummer so I like to be able to play alright songs and Paramore ones are awesome!The Killers. Omg this band! This band helped me through the time when I was getting bullied major time in year 7. I listened to their music all the time and it just made me feel loads better. I love them soo much.
Busted. Omg! This Band! I love them. Even though they've been done and dusted with for 4 years - I still love them. They helped me through loads. Sleeping with the light on helped me through the months when my Grandma died. My best friend and my closest relative. The lyrics helped me somehow. I would cry all the time to them but for a good reason. Also they helped me through my Uncles poor health and his death last year even though they had split I listen to them still because I love them and owe them so much.
Son Of Dork. After losing my favourite band of all time. James moved to Son Of Dork. These have actually only just come into my life as one of my fave bands. They rule. The songs are cheesy and funny but I like that sort of stuff.
McFly. So I never used to like these until now. The new music is canny good. They've made a defo improvement but I still liked the cheesy stuff.
Fall Out Boy. First band that I liked after Busted split. The videos for the music are awesome. Funny aswell. The music is cool.
Eminem The first solo artist that I loved. His raps were funny and I had a great time listening too him. I don't actually listen to Emienm much anymore but I still love him. I'm more into the indie/rock stage atm.
So that's all I'm gunna say now. I'll probs write again tonight if anything good happens at guides.
Oh and just a note: Just becuase I listen to indie and rock music doesn't mean I'm an Emo or a Goth I just like the music. I may even dress like one some times but I'm not one. I like the chunes - don't hold that aginst me either! I hate people that do that! Soz annal but....sterotyping people because of the chunes they listen to. I just listen to that mostly. ATM I have some rave tune on that doesn't have a name on this - but I think it's DJ Vallium, Doin' It Again. I Listen to everything.
I'm going
Write again Soon
Love Elly xx <3*>
Posted by Eleanoorr at 08:30 0 comments
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Heyy Guys!!
So it snowed! IT SNOWED!! AND laid!! and we actually got sent home. Like that is a rare thing, it like never happens! So we had a snow day!
Me, Beth, Sarah, Chris T, Chris P, Elliott, Charlie and Jamie all went out! I got so soaked. We had Elliott sledge and we got ambushed by these 3 little chava dings. So Chris P mooned at them and we were yelling crude jokes at them. It was hillerious and then I got really peeved off with them!! Not the chavs - Sarah, Beth, Chris, Chris and Jamie! Right becuase Charlie wasn't out yet and so me and Elliott said we were going to wait for Charlie and sledge down the civic bank a few times whilst Sarah went to the shop with the otehrs to get a hat and a pair of poinless waist of money fluffy handcuffs. So we were waiting for them for about 10 munites and I was wet and freezing and getting really impatient, as I normally do, I decided to go and look for them. By this point I cannot see my glasses are that wet and if I even started to wipe them I would end up a creak. So we come around the corner and there they all were hanging around looking as though they had no immediate plans to come back to us so I flipped! I just said "Well I'm ganning home. If they're gunna walk off and leave us then fine! I'm going home! I'm cold, wet and hungry" and so I walked home. and then to make me even angrier - when I get home my brothers broke the mouse of the laptop, he's eaten all the cheese & onion crisps, my sandwich filler and then the toaster broke and so in my opinion my Friday the 13th has come bloomin early!
Anyways.....I had an ahh mazing convo with Elliott. We talked about all sorts. This sounds wierd but the stuff I tell Elliott I could never tell anyone else and I was supprised t that becuase I can now tell lads more stuff than lasses! I used to talk to Arran loads (this lad I used to be best mates with but now he just seems to ignore me kinda) and I used to tell Chris T loads but now I don't really talk to him like that anymore. I just feel like I can't trust him you know what I mean? I miss my old friends you know. I miss being able to have proper best mates where you do anything with them and stuff. I really miss it becuase I never really have best mates, nothing I can write bown "Elly and whoever best of mates" becuase really I don't have best mates apart from Elliott and Charlie who I've known all my life but I still don't find that I can say that they are my best mates that i do everything with. I'd like to think of Charlie and Laura but until you have the proper sleepover and get loads of photos then, in my book you have to have them and Laura doesn't sleepover anyone's houses. At all! She gets grudgy after some certain time and she doesn't want people to see her like that. But me and charlie are gunna start blackmailing her. Becuase I need a sleepover real soon. I miss my gurls :(
I'm off then - got a bad head :'(
Cyahhz xxx
Lovee Elly <3* xx
Posted by Eleanoorr at 11:34 0 comments
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Heyy Guys xx
So today I had English 1st - BORING! My teacher smells like burnt cabbage and dead cats + she's not very nice. Not many of my teachers are nice. But anyways, we're doing Jane Eyre for our coursework and she's lending out the DVD. Also Wuthering Heights and if you've read Twilight, you'll know that Wuthering Heights is mentioned a lot so we felt purely awesomed when she was lending that DVD out. So Charlie got Wuthering Heights and Sarah got Jane Eyre. And tonight we united! Me, Sarah, Charlie, Natalie and Laura, all at Sarah's.
So here we all are assembled in her living room around the telly and the DVD Player refuses to play. It was soo funny. Sarah threw the remote at it, like proper threw it at the thing. It still didn't work. That added to the funniness. Eventually we ended up surrounding her computer. And so we watched the first episodes.
Sarah Natalie and Charlie all cried at the bit where Rochester proposes to Jane. It's soo sweet! And then we decided to pass about secrets, that was kinda fun as well. Sorta made me feel like I'd known all of these girls all my life, and well in fact I've only known Natalie and Laura 4 years unlike Sarah, who I've known for about 10 and Charlie Who's known me nearly 15. Isn't she one lucky person. Anyways, we watched the rest of it and OME! When Rochester starts crying, when he's blind, it's so romantic it had me crying like a waterfall, Sarah and Charlie were worse. They're the crying type of people.
In Science, 2nd, My xtreemly fit teacher, Mr. Raven. Started to be a weirdo! He was yawning all the time. And we all know that yawning is contageous and when you yawn others begin to yawn. He was taking the pee out of me all lesson because of it. It was soo annoying.
The rest of my day was actually kinda boring apart from that.
I found this awesome Twilight Icon and I'm totally in love with itGet the pic that Carlisle is my fav Cullen. I think he rules. He's just so plainly awesome. He can keep his cool and stuff - really awesome. Kellan is my fav actor though and I'm way Team Edward but Carlisle is my fav. Also I think this one is kinda funny. I laughed a lot about this one :
I laughed so much actually. My brother looked at it and didn't see that Rape Him is sort of highlighted and that's what I was laughing at. Then he asked probably one of the most stupid questions for someone living in my house "Who Is Edward Cullen?" - It's ok if you don't actually know him but both me and me mum have both read the Twiligh Saga and we are constantly talking Twilight! and he should seriously know who Edward Cullen is my now! I was dissapointed by that. Humph.
Anywayz I'm Off
Write Soon x
Lovee Elly xx <3*
Posted by Eleanoorr at 14:06 0 comments
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Guess Who's Back
Heyy Guys x
I'm Back!! Whoop! Blame The Parents! My mother cannot work a laptop so she canceled the internet!! I WAS DISTRAUGHT!!!!
But I'm back! In my absence....so much has changed.....I think.
I've missed two straight episodes of skins :( :( But not one of lost or 90210! I finished the Twilight Saga for the 16th time last week :D I'm chuffed, my mates find me sad.
Also I have a follower!!! Yey! So I wish to tell Bookworm...sorry I haven't been able to find out your real name....that I appreciate it :D Thank You!
So we were walking home today and Luke turns round and yells - "I HAVE SEEN THE MOST AMAZING TWILIGHT ICON EVER!" That was kinda funny and then right, after the laughing fit, he finally decided to tell us it ! You ever heard the Jacob Black I Want To La Push You Off A Cliff well that was something totally different to what this one is, but kinda similar at the same time - he goes
"Yehh, so it's kind of weird and I didn't save it I just thought you guys would like it, Jacob Black....I want you to La Push Your penis into me" I nearly wet myself, the look on his face made me laugh so much.
Also he got this little geek in my form back for pushing him off a wall it was really funny.
I'm reading this book kaii, it's rathers strange. It's called....well I don't know what it's called, it's missing the cover, but anyways, it's about this boy that gets abused by his mum and its really heart breaking. So Sad! I get rather worked up about it aswell so to calm me down I read twilight, or eclipse, new moon makes me cry and anger and crying doesn't mix well.
My teacher reckons she's pulling me out of lessons again tomorrow! NO WAY! She is seriously scary as! My fit science teacher on the other hand.....PHWOR! Nicee or what!
I found the best song as well! Bob The Builder...Big Fish Little Fish!
Big Fish Little Fish Cardboard Box! Scoop It Up, Dig Dig Dig It Cardboard Box! Hammer The Nail Bish Bash Bosh Cardboard Box! We're All Having Fun! #
Me loves it!! <3 <3 <3
So I'm Gunna Be Off Now <3* My Mum wants the laptop :(
Write Soon x
Love Elly xx <3*
Eddie Kick started his carrer one summer time in May. A shitty band with friends from school but only he could really play! Son Of Dork - Eddies Song
Oh Yehh!! I've Come Up With This New Thing. The Song That I Last Listened To, I'm Gunna Put Some Lyrics On The End. Just to really prove that music is actually my boyfriend haha x
Love Yaz xxx
Posted by Eleanoorr at 09:39 0 comments