Monday 2 March 2009


Hey Guys x

I am crapping myself!!!! It's honestly not funny. I have a really bad head and an exam tomorrow!! and when it hurts to think leaving me without any room to squish in some revision I'm papped! I have just tried and couldn't remember how to divide fractions!!! I couldn't work out if a win = 3 points, draw = 1 and a lose = 0 which two ways are possible to make 17 points in 10 games! I could only figure out one!! My 6 year old cousin could probably do better! I'm really going to freak! I cannot cram anything else into my head without it making me feel like my head is actually going to just go "pop". I'm screwed people! 

Then to make matters worse! I have a science one on Wednesday and then a day off and then a freaking injection on Friday!!! Can things get any bleeding worse! Yes, in afraid to say they can, and after all of this in two weeks time I go on my work experience to some primary school where I've been put in nursery with the sprogs. Note: I don't really get on well with small children at all! I asked for year 6 because I can remember year 6 like it was yesterday! I really think that life is unfair! 

So I suppose I'll write tomorrow and complain about the fact that I have most likely failed and that I'm going to fail my science as well! 

Write soon <3
Love Elly xx <3*

Don't you wish that you could be a fly on the wall? A creepy little sneaky little fly on the wall? All my precious secrets, yeah, you'd know them all. Don't you wish that you could be a fly on the wall? Fly On The Wall - Miley Cyrus