Saturday 13 June 2009


Heyy Guys x

Wow it's been ages since I last posted.....ohh how I missed you all! Lol

I finally got my contacts back, how awesome!! Whooo and I can get my sunnies eventually =D I cannot wait haha

Jonas Brothers new album comes out on Monday and if I can't get the dosh then it's going to have to wait ='( Waaa lol

I actually can't think of much to write about really =[ Daym whyy on earth is my life so boring for petes sake and now!!!! Daym I've pressed the backspace button on the keyboard to many times while writing this what's going on with my finger and this bloody keyboard I can't type as quick as I could before and now it's really annoying me so I'm going to cry and really I don't think that you fancy listening to me babble on about my typing skills rapidly decreasing now do I thought not so I'm going to go

I'm off then
Write Soon
Byee xx
Love Elly <3*

So haven’t you heard? Just a mark, one last shot Another night and another girl? Well I taste so good, But you knew I would. So who's keeping score, On who is a whore? With you by my side That look in your eye I hope you'd know.- You Me At Six, Save It For The Bedroom x


Chaaarrlie said...

lol tah for Reading lol n tah for the get well soon n no I don't have lvatt n yes I am gunna cry you?