Sunday, 22 March 2009

Jade Goody <3*

Heyy Guys x

I'll start with some news, this morning at Five To Four Jade Goody Passed Away. I was never a big fan of Jade after her appearance on Big Brother and the things she said on there, but she was forgiven. Cancer is an awful disease. It claims lives of innocent good people. I, personally, have lost family members to cancer and so I do all I can to help find a cure. So to  show your respect for Jade Goody, her family, your family members you could have lost, and the millions of others that are dying of it now, put a flower on the front of your msn name (F). 
I got this thing on msn this morning, it said, This morning at 3:55 Jade Goody Passed away. Her sons entered the room in the morning with mothers day cards they'd made for their dying mum, only to find it quiet. Jade's husband explained to his boys that their mummy has gone up to the stars. The eldest son understood what this meant and through his crying tears he whispered, "I Love You Mummy". Show Your Respect To Jade And Her Family by sending this on.
I nearly cried. I lost a very close family member to cancer and things just flood back. 

I can't actually think of anything else to write about either. 
Oh yes, now on the positive side of thing:
My work experience is whack! I love it! I don't want to leave. I hope that next week drags so much because I don't want to leave. I have this awesome friend, she's called Melanie. She's awesome! My little bodyguard from everyone that wants me to do handstands and play basketball. I really don't want to leave, its awesome! I actually am not happy that it's the end of the day and shockingly I wasn't looking forward to the weekend!! Shock Horror!
Well I'm Off
Write Soon x
Love Elly xx <3*

So if you're asking me, I want you to know, When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done, Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed, Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty, Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest, Leave out all the rest, don't be afraid, I've taken my beating, I've shared what I made, I'm strong on the surface, not all the way through, I've never been perfect, but neither have you. - Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Work Experience <3*

Heyy Guys x 

Soz I've not written in a while, I keep meaning to I just keep forgetting or have something to do lol. 

All rightey then, last time I wrote. I'd just "failed" Science and got my new specs. Well....the results haven't come back for my exams yet even though I know I've failed, and I can't actually see out of my old specs anymore. I get my contacts on the 25th and I can't wait for it because it's going to be a surprise for everyone! WHOO! lol. 
Also....I have to wait! FOR TWO WEEKS TO TELL CHARLIE AND LAURA! I would say it on here but that doesn't make things good does it! It's canny bad like as well and I don't fancy airing it over the internet. Sooo.....dam! 
I got my injections. It didn't actually hurt as bad as I thought it would. I've got a scar though but you can't notice it so I'm not really bozzed. 

Rangers on Friday night was rather wicked. For comic relief we were being "Funny For Money". So I dressed up as Elvis and that was cool, Natalie was a Blue's Brother. Sarah was the Converse Emo Fairy, Emma was The Red Nose Person and Beth was a crazy Stereotypical American. It was really funny. We got loads of photo's and everything. Twas hilarious! 
I go on my work experience tomorrow! Going to a primary school in year 6 so.. should be fun! I'm meeting up with Laura for my dinner hopefully. Depends when my dinner is and hers but I assume they will be the same time. Hopefully. Lol. 
Anyways I'm going now. xx
Write Soon x
Byee x
Love Elly xx <3*

Step back take a look at where you're at, You're just a Dawson's Maniac. You think that you know everything. Take one step back and look at yourself. I think you don't know anything. All my friends think that you're such as freak, and you're such a Dawson's Geek. Dawson's Dawson's Geek. - Dawsons Geek - Busted

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Ok :S <3

Heyy Guys x

I think I actually did ok today!! Shock Horror!! :O Lol. The physics was easy and I blew the biology! I got the first question wrong!! Like OME! How could I?! Yehh so, I'd finished the physics one about 2 minutes early so I sat and recited the scene in the science lab of twilight! It was awesome! 

I got my new specs! I love Them. They feel weird though but I'll get over it!

We're organizing the party this weekend finally! OME! I cannot believe that its only 1 month and 2 days until the release of twilight and then 1 month and 12  days until I'm 15!! WHOOP!!!

Yehh so I'll write tomorrow about my "awesome > pfft" General Studies Exam lol
I'm Gunna Go
Write Soon x
Love Elly  x <3*

Jacob Black, she's not coming back, La Push has come to shove, and she's through with you! Jacob Black - The Mitch Hansen Band

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Failed! <3

Heyy Guys  x

I am very sad to say that I have most defo failed my maths!! It was hard!! I stared at the first question for about fifteen minutes until I got the idea to stop and leave it until I had time to figure it out! I think I got one right though. It was prove how root 20 over root 5 takeaway root 45 over root 20 is equal to 4 over 3. I was like well yehh, root 20 divided by root 5 equals 4 and root 45 divided by root 5 equals root 9 and that is equal to 3 giving me 4 over 3! I think that it's wrong but the maths genius that is Mr.Hackett, our maths teacher, and Charlie think that I am right! I have no idea though. Anyways, welcome to the official worst week of school history! No-body has it this bad!

Monday- Opticians (I hate the opticians) and the painters, decorators w.e arrive!
Tuesday- Maths exam
Wednesday- 2 Science Exams
Thursday- Chance to be a Guinea Pig for the exam board in a General Studies Exam
Friday- I Get 3 bleeding injections!
Saturday- Nothing to do, no-ones out
Sunday- They're always boring!

Now I have a plan! I cant help yesterday or today, those have happened. Wednesday is in fact the worst day in my timetable anyway so I can't do much about that either. My science exams are followed by Drama and I <3 too =")">
Anyways I'm going 
Write Soon xx
Love Elly <3*>

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles, And my daddy said stay away from Juliet, And I was crying on the staircase, Begging you please don't go, and I said Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run, You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess, It's a love story baby just say yes. Love Story - Taylor Swift

Monday, 2 March 2009


Hey Guys x

I am crapping myself!!!! It's honestly not funny. I have a really bad head and an exam tomorrow!! and when it hurts to think leaving me without any room to squish in some revision I'm papped! I have just tried and couldn't remember how to divide fractions!!! I couldn't work out if a win = 3 points, draw = 1 and a lose = 0 which two ways are possible to make 17 points in 10 games! I could only figure out one!! My 6 year old cousin could probably do better! I'm really going to freak! I cannot cram anything else into my head without it making me feel like my head is actually going to just go "pop". I'm screwed people! 

Then to make matters worse! I have a science one on Wednesday and then a day off and then a freaking injection on Friday!!! Can things get any bleeding worse! Yes, in afraid to say they can, and after all of this in two weeks time I go on my work experience to some primary school where I've been put in nursery with the sprogs. Note: I don't really get on well with small children at all! I asked for year 6 because I can remember year 6 like it was yesterday! I really think that life is unfair! 

So I suppose I'll write tomorrow and complain about the fact that I have most likely failed and that I'm going to fail my science as well! 

Write soon <3
Love Elly xx <3*

Don't you wish that you could be a fly on the wall? A creepy little sneaky little fly on the wall? All my precious secrets, yeah, you'd know them all. Don't you wish that you could be a fly on the wall? Fly On The Wall - Miley Cyrus 


Sunday, 1 March 2009

So She Writes <3

Hey Guys! 

Yes I am back! After a long and boring one week and 1 day I finally have the internet working again. It was being stupid and sort of refused to load anything and so I got impatient and didn't do anything on it for a while. So I finally get to write again! WHOOP!

So in the last week what have I done! Well it was my first week back to the Looney Bin some people call school! 

Monday was okay, Bethany missed it though for personal reasons I don't think that I should air all over the internet. So she wasn't in on Monday and so the day went by sorta quiet. Tuesday I got stressed because I had maths first thing and what idiot decides to put year 10 students, a week before their GCSE exam, into one of the most important lessons FIRST! What idiot did that? Lets give them a clap for making sure we're going to fail. The atmosphere in that lesson in crap. Everyone's sat there yawning and stuff and no-one can concentrate! And then!! They put our 3rd lesson, 4TH ON A FRIDAY! Are they stupid?! 4th and 5th lessons on a friday for year 10's and 11's should be like PE and Drama! They don't require much thinking really as much as Maths! Also Tuesday was also Bethany's birthday so she didn't come in then either. Another vair quiet day. Wednesday was slightly better. I had to get up at 6:30 on the downside to get to school 15 minutes earlier so we could go on an enterprise day with Scary Scotty. It was rather good, we went half the day without her and met some of the most awesome people. Our friends from Ferryhill were there and so Charlie and myself spent the day trying our hardest to keep Anna and Aysha out of Jack and Brandon's way so they don't embarrass them, us or themselves. That did actually remain unsuccessful as Anna found a way to talk to Jack my walking up to him and saying, "Are you Jack?" Plainly out in the open in the middle of a crowded staircase probably holding everyone up. She also did actually no that was Jack but thought she would embarrass us even further by waving at him only 5 minutes afterwards where he looked at her as though she had something on her head. It was embarrassing but also hilarious. We did sit and listen to people talk about enterprise for about an hour! There was Tre Azam, from the 2007 show The Apprentice, he talked but unfortunately I didn't manage to get a photo of him, so I got one off google which I will put at the bottom. There was also, Imran Hakim, creator of the iTeddy and successful in Dragons Den, getting investments of Theo Paphitis and Peter Jones. I did get a picture with him and I do look a mess so don't comment saying, OHH YOUR FUGLY! Because if you do trust me I'll send you something much worse back because I know I'm fugly but I'm sick of people saying it. Anyways, there was a load of other people as well that talked about their businesses as well as the total STUD! Anthony Hutton! Who won big brother 6, who is lush and amazing and gorgeous! I got a photo with him too. He actually put his arm around me! LIKE WOW! Lmao. So I'll put the pics in......ok then no I won't because my laptop is being a nutter and not letting me upload so I'll post a new blog after this one with the pics on! =D

So I'm Off
Will Write Again Soon x
Love Elly xx <3*

"I'm at an all-time low, slightly bruised and broken, from our head on collision, I've never seen this side of you, another tragic case of feeling, bruised and broken, form our head on collision, I've never seen this side of you, another tragic case." New Found Glory - Head On Collision